WestTrans - Planning Transport Together
West London Partnership

"As Thames Valley University is split across different campuses, the event was publicized on the shuttle buses which link the sites"

Marketing and promotion



Social media (Facebook/Twitter/other) 

Communicate with student via student social media portals - both student union and institution based: 

  • Create a Facebook event (include event logo) and invite all students within network if possible in advance of the day
  • On status pages of university and for student union, add event details
  • Promote event on Twitter of both SU President and other relevant student and staff officers (a week before and build up momentum to the event)


University intranet 

Engage with students and staff through online university domain

  • Provide link on homepage to Green Travel site
  • Upload digital flyer/logo to section of homepage of both university and student union website


Develop Green Travel Day Site 

Provide information before and beyond the Day 

  • Develop webpage to allow students to ask Green Travel Questions
  • Include link to relevant sites for exhibitors and be informed before and after the day



  • In advance - Flyer popular student/staff locations, such as the Street, lecture room hallways, the shuttle
  • Agree on number of flyers necessary to distribute around campus and arrange printing requirements
  • Recruit volunteers to flyer event information, both a week in advance and on the day
  • Digital screens - provide event information at digital screens throughout campus
  • Coordinate with marketing/digital liaison to upload event screens in advance and on day of the event
  • On the day - hand out "passports" at key locations to intercept/engage with students/staff and increase awareness.


Student Magazine/Newspaper

Article/feature - Beyond an advertisement in the student publication, look to provide an engaging piece that discusses the day and also Green Travel in general to provide a more lasting impact.

©2024, WestTrans
Perceval House
4th Floor NE
Ealing Council
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL